Voice Acting

The inspiration to get into the field of podcasts, voice acting, and audio editing came from our friends and clients who have worked in this domain. With several guest roles performed, we look forward to adding to our portfolio with the next voice-acting gig.

Check out our demo reels below, and when you’re interested in hiring us for your next audio project, you can contact us on our social media accounts or via our contact page.

Melissa Kersh
Podchaser Profile

Demo reel coming reel soon!

“Your performance as Cemri was breathtaking! You captured her very essence.”

Mike Atchley, creator of Dice Tower Theatre presents: Dawn of Dragons

Frederik Verhagen
Podchaser Profile

Voice acting and Editing Demo reel.
  • Sound Designer (Episode 4 and later)
  • Sound Designer (Revivified episodes 1, 2, and 3)
  • Guard #4 (Chapter 1R)

“Your performance as sad dad was mentioned by one of my classmates as their favorite.”

Deanna, writer and producer of Sunny Days in Innsmouth